Interactive Around-Sound® Update TITLE: Quake 2 Mission Pack: The Reckoning PUB: Activision/id last updated 02/05/99 Requires: (o) Release version of Quake 2 (on CD) (o) "Quake 2" 3.20 patch from id (o) "Quake 2 Mission Pack: The Reckoning" from Activision (o) IAS audio engine If you ran the iasearq2.exe installer and did not get an error, then you already have the patched version of Quake 2. The installer also installs/updates the IAS audio engine. =========================================== INSTALLATION: (o) Installation is automatic with the installer. (o) You can verify installation by running quake 2 and looking at the console screen; if there is a message the says ++++IAS audio engine loaded++++ then everything is installed correctly. (o) You can uninstall the IAS update by running the installer again. There is also a program called "iasundo.exe" in the xatrix folder. =========================================== CHANGES/ALTERATIONS: (i) All sounds now 3D-positioned. No limit to the number of sounds that are processed. (i) A3D version 1.x supported (visit our web site and download the earias.dll for your sound card). (i) EAX version 1.x supported =========================================== TROUBLESHOOTING: (!) Do not contact Activision's Tech Support if you have installed our update. (?) My audio doesn't work right/at all: Go to the control panel and run the "IAS Config" utility; go through each tab one at a time and perform all of the tests. (?) I get no Player sounds/no 3D positioning: Go to the options menu and make sure the audio compatiblity is on Max Compatiblity and the audio quality level is on High. If you still do not hear the 3D audio, visit our web site and look at the individual troubleshooting tips for your sound card. =========================================== KNOWN BUGS: (i) Our patch does not work in multi-player mode. =========================================== NOTICES: (i) Any information regarding changes to this patch will be posted on the Quake 2 page of our web site . =========================================== DISCLAIMER: (!) This is not an Activision patch; this is an Extreme Audio Reality update for an Activision product. All components distributed with this update fall under the original license agreement you accepted when you installed the release version of Quake 2. (!) Quake II is a TM of id Software, Inc. (!) Activision is a ® TM of Activision, Inc. (!) IAS is a TM and Interactive Around-Sound is a ® TM of Extreme Audio Reality, Inc. =========================================== SPECIAL THANKS: Many thanks to all of our beta testers! =========================================== CONTACT: Extreme Audio Reality, Inc. =========================================== VERSION/REVISION: 3.20 02/04/99 Loads new 3.20 patch